Brown Girl Chronicles
Morning time, rise and shine. Dogs staring at me like I owe them life. Bathroom -let the yellow mellow. Internet, news, gossip, news, gossip, guilt, look for a job. discouraged! turn on the tube (I don't have NO flat screen). feed the PUPs, women's best friend an unreality-- though Diamonds are forever! Blinds opened-hi pervy neighbor. coffee inhaled, Heart calms, thoughts race. dreams haunting me--I'm inadequate in my sleep and discouraged in my truth. I'm a brown girl who got out of the concrete jungle, but who is stuck in the madness of rejection. A cousin to failure leads to despair. I want to be strong like the black women I see! where is my inner Nene? I want to go Pam Grier on FEAR and Insecurity! My power is the source of my light. it comes as easy as swallowing and shine so bright--MY MIND IS A VESSEL for words to magnetize and form thoughts of expression, discoveries---CREATIVITY. overlooked and underprivileged, still I strive for the successes of the over-appreciated and undeserving.
"What are my weaknesses?" being Black in America. "What are my strengths?" Being Black in aMEriCA...Thank you for the equal opportunity